Before the clock strikes 12 @ Sunday, September 26, 2010. 0
I just wanna cherish the last moments of me being 18 for now. It's sad, quite saddening to be older by one year again. Sigh. =/ The time simply pass too fast! I'm getting old so fast! Gah, next year my age will have a '2' in front instead of a '1'. *Sigh more* Left around 30 minutes.. >.<

Chatted with YR for around 2 hours on MSN :x LOL, he's as dirty as always :P HAHAHA! :x But it was fun chatting with him..Before i chatted with him my mood was kinda low (cuz of something..personal) but after that my mood kinda lifted up, thanks to him :D

Hmm.. nothing much to blog.. Oh ya, i think i will have my hair tied up soon. Cuz.. it bu ting hua so i have to tie it up (partially, not fully) >.< hair not straight le lor. Sucks. 1 year already since i last R-ed -.- So fast :o

P/S: Don't know why i couldn't see the tagboard, it gave me something like.. "NOT FOUND..." So cannot reply tags now, sorry! Will reply it soon D:



