Finally, i'm 19!! Woots! :) 2 more years to my R21 movies LOL! :X MUAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh* :x Okays, i know i'm not innocent.. Oh well xD
Wanted to thank those who had wished me a 'Happy Birthday'. Especially to Ying Ying♥, Daniel, PuiLing, Charmaine, Suli, Shu Ting, JW and a lot more :X Appreciated it lots! ♥ Seriously, this is the first time so many people wished me..>.< Okays, i have very little friends, so every year only those few (close to me) will wish me >.< But this year, it is different! Thanks to facebook :X hahaha! ^^
Was surprised when my ex smsed me to wish me.. o_o.. initially i didn't know it was him, cause i've deleted his number you see. So when i saw the sms, i just replied a 'thank you', thinking it must be one of my secondary school friend. And he replied back with.. something like, 'I know why you deleted me from tagged and facebook..something take care ba.' o_o That was how i knew it was him :X Well well, thanks anyway.
Overall, it was a really happy day for me (: Received lots of tags and wishes from friends on tagged xD So happy..(:
Before i forgot! I want to thank my family too! LOL. And also to my brother's gf.. She gave me a WOW present :O A pair of elegant star-shaped earrings! From SK Jewellery (: It was damn awesome.. and expensive too >.< Shall post the pic if i'm not lazy... :P
Hmm hahaha, this morning i got the shock of my life. :X hahahahas. :P
That's all ba, shall update again soon (: