monday blues. @ Monday, July 12, 2010. 0
Hate it when the browser takes so damn long to load! zzz. testing my patience sia -.-

Anyways, came to update cause ying ying asked me to lol. and my blog seems kinda dead so updating it hopefully will make it look a little bit alive hahaha :P

Nothing much in school, it's the same routine everyday. projects, projects and projects -_- not interesting at all. lol. ok enough of projects lol.

hmm lets see.. there's this guy who wants to jio me lol. but i don't think i'll accept? lol. is not because of looks, more of cause i don't wanna face heartbreaks again bah.. and for now, being single is so good ok! :) no heartbreaks, everything revolves your ownself only. so good yeah :D don't have to worry when will break..don't have to worry if bf will get snatched by other pretty girls etc.. so many things de..


saw this image lol. find it quite funny XD

alrighty, i go read some book which bro has borrowed for me, tatas!


