a fun day today at daniel's house =D @ Saturday, June 26, 2010. 0

Gotten the above from here :D there are a lot of others too.. all are so meaningful >.<

Went to daniel's house with ying ying today :D had so much fun! hehes. we watched 3 different series for "A Haunting". It was so damn nice XDD i love watching paranormal videos (is 'paranormal' the right word to use?) Anyways, enjoyed watching it hahas. Hmm. Thank you daniel for introducing such a nice series to watch! =)

Besides watching, we also went out to buy our dinner :) went to buy porridge! The 3 dishes we bought are so delicious =DD Mentioning about it now makes me wanna eat it again =X LOL.

Took pictures too! hahas. pictures of me and ying ying for our 1st month anniversary LOL HAHAHA XD took a total of 5 pics ~

Really enjoyed myself today! hahas. Looking forward to our meet up next month!! ^^

Hmm today didn't go to the "Books Warehouse Sale" thingy though. Hahahas, i feel like staying at his house to chit-chat and have fun instead! ^^ hehes. Feel like going tomorrow, for the books thingy, but ying ying not free >.< no one else to pei me.. er got la, but i don't wanna ask online friends out.. :X So i think i gonna give it a miss ba.. sad. =/

I realised that i tend to cough more at night, don't know why :S

Guess i shall put a stop here now :D

Hmm, should i go out tomorrow? i'm still thinking...

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.


