an update after so long ? well not really long tho.. @ Tuesday, March 23, 2010. 0
been very busy lately...cuz of the current attachment thingy..worked from 8.30am - by the time i reached home, bathed finish, ate my dinner and had my dinner, it would already be "OMG" late...and it's time to orh orh le, hehex.

erm...have to say one thing.. my cobol programming sucks! =/ the basics i couldnt grasp it well too? lolx...stupid me >.>

well...i pretty miss NYP and the school life... i wish i can go back to it soon...? hahas..i missed wearing my clothes, carry my bag with the lecture notes inside to school... i missed the days with ying ying, daniel, pei lin, iris, mahsury, humairah... i hope they are doing fine too... reality sucks really, to separate us to different places, lolx...

anyways, my stomach is getting from bad to worse, i can almost EVERYDAY lao sai! wtf sia. LOLS. tsk tsk, what kind of stomach i'm having, please tell me LOLS. hahas...

dunno i'm updating today..mainly purely cuz im pretty bored and sian right now? so have to find something to do yea...

results was released today. well, my results sucks ok. deproved. expected yeah.. A,B,C and D...i got it ALL. lolx..

just hope time would pass faster so i can have my long-deserved holidays..i am really lack of sleep man! just look at my damn face lolx! tired !! hahas..

baby baby i miss you~~ hahas...


