Hmm, nothing much happened these few days even though it is the Chinese New Year hahas. Didn't affect me much, I mean the CNY, cause I was at home, studying for my upcoming exams. I'm very obedient right? hahas. Yea, so..been busy studying lols! Hmm, seriously don't like OS okays, i hate to memorise stuffs you know. Chunks of those knowledge that I HAVE to memorise lols, it is... torturing. Hahas! xD But i will try my utmost to get those things inside my pea-like brain LOL hahaha.It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but takes a lifetime to forget someone.
This year's Valentines' Day was a lonely one for me lols! hahahahas is okay la, erm used to it already hahas. So it didn't make much difference yeah...
Have the urge to design new blogskin again :x but well can't. I have to STUDY. STUDY!!! Have to prioritize, important things first, those not so important i shall put it behind. hahas.
Tomorrow is wednesday, i think i will call up the transit link hotline again, to ask about the lost concession card. The person told me it will take at least 5 working days before i can call back again to check... so yeah, there you go. hahas. Really hope i can get the card back man, i miss it soooo much! i dont wanna make another one... seriously no.... >.<
It's getting late already, shall hit the bed now. Nights! :D